Демон - ч. 1, XV -пер. М. Ю. Лермонтова

As thunder from the highest heavens
The punishment of god had flied
On this, light-hearted before, family!
Tamara bursted into cry,
Tear after tear, breast hard breathing...
But suddenly what she is hearing?
As if the mystic voice is loud saying:
"Don't cry, oh baby! It is quite vainly!
Your tear on the mute corpse really a trifle,
You can't bring life, as a dew enliving:
It's only the mist in the clear eye,
It's only on your cheeks the burning fire!
He is so far, he won't ever estimate
Your melancholy and depression state;
The heaven's light is now him caressing
His sight's incorporeal; he is taking pleasure
With mystic songs of the heaven's paradise.
What for the earthly dreams for him that day?
What for the tears and hard cries, to say,
Of poor virgin to the guest of skies?
No, that lot of the mortal living passed
Believe me, angel on the earth, at last,
The bitter sadness - not for you at once!

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