Нездоланнiсть меж
Я чудувавсь на см?х ??,
?й вдивовижу подив м?й;
? дотик довгих б?лих рук
Я перейняти не ум?в.
Та якось, як прощались ми,
У зат?нку дерев сам?,
Торкнутись пальчик?в ??
Н?жн?ш, н?ж ?речно, я посм?в.
Так, недомовки зайв? тут,
М?ж нами злагода, та все ж
?знов я бачу осм?х цей, -
дов?чну нездоланн?сть меж.
Переклад. Ориг?нал:
I've often wondered why she laughed
On thinking why I wondered so;
It seemed such waste that long white hands
Should touch my hands and let them go.
And once when we were parting there,
Unseen of anything but trees,
I touched her fingers, thoughtfully,
For more than simple niceties.
But for some futile things unsaid
I should say all is done for us;
Yet I have wondered how she smiled
Beholding what was cavernous.
Иллюстрация: http://louijover.tumblr.com
?й вдивовижу подив м?й;
? дотик довгих б?лих рук
Я перейняти не ум?в.
Та якось, як прощались ми,
У зат?нку дерев сам?,
Торкнутись пальчик?в ??
Н?жн?ш, н?ж ?речно, я посм?в.
Так, недомовки зайв? тут,
М?ж нами злагода, та все ж
?знов я бачу осм?х цей, -
дов?чну нездоланн?сть меж.
Переклад. Ориг?нал:
I've often wondered why she laughed
On thinking why I wondered so;
It seemed such waste that long white hands
Should touch my hands and let them go.
And once when we were parting there,
Unseen of anything but trees,
I touched her fingers, thoughtfully,
For more than simple niceties.
But for some futile things unsaid
I should say all is done for us;
Yet I have wondered how she smiled
Beholding what was cavernous.
Иллюстрация: http://louijover.tumblr.com