Нет хуже времени, чем ждать... - перевод


By unknown author

There's no worser time, than waiting...
There's no better time, than to believe.
And in the middle - to be hanging
In question: may be I'll succeed?

There's no worser time, than waiting...
To find a reason and justification,
To suffer and deceive the self...
Oh, if it would be will's embodiment?

There's no worser time, than waiting,
When nobody's waiting you at least...
And in the deep of soul - tempting,
May be today it will be bliss?

But all the base of "waiting, willing, trusting"
Is easy to combine in one full state:
"Not wait, by wish, not trust and even...!"
And this will be indifference, so late...

Предыдущий: Никем тебя не заменить -пер. Ш. О Коннор
Следующий: Уильям Шекспир. Сонет 88