Трудолюбивый медведь - пер. басни И. А. Крылова

The assiduous bear
The fable
by Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Once, looking on muzhik, * muzhik is a russian name for peasant
Who was hard working on the shaft bows,
And later he was good in getting profit, selling them,
(The horse's arch to bow, as you know, need a work with doing all in time with patience).
So, bear thought to live like this man, well,
Since then in forest there began the knock and crack,
And you can hear from the miles sounds that.
And mishka had destroyed a mass of elm, of birch, of hazel, * mishka is the russian tender name to bear
That you could hardly count the amount of them.
But still - the art is out of success.
And mishka goes to muzhik to have a lesson.
He asks: "Why can't I get your skill and your achievement?
I've broken a lot of trees, but nothing good from that.
No any tree I bowed in the arch.
Tell me the secret of the labour such!"

The neighbour tried to answer him on question:
"It's so simple - you must have a patience!"

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