Сестры - перевод М. Цветаевой

By Marina Tsvetaeva

"Car tour n'est que reve, o ma soeur!"

They saw in dreams the same far countries,
They were tormented by same laugh,
And, when they learned him from the others,
They both had leaned above him thus.

Above him, who was loving only old things,
They two had whispered before him:"Ah!"...
But no any jealousy, amazement
Had any shiver in the deep of hearts.

And near with a tenderness, as anger,
Alien to entreaty from the time of birth,
They stuck both to his lips, so pensive,
They clung to him together, both...

He said through dream:"I love you, dear!"...
He opened his hands - but hall was empty!
But do you know: no any thing
Could wash the double kiss from lips.

27 - 30 dec 1909

Предыдущий: Асе - To Asya - перевод М. Цветаевой
Следующий: Владислав Ходасевич Путем зерна Пътят на зърното