Лебедь, рак и щука - перевод И. Крылова

A Swan, a Pike and a Crayfish
by Ivan Andreevich Krylov

When there's no a consent in partner's will -
Then there'll be no a success in business,
And, thus, only the torture it will be.
Once a Swan, a Pike and a Crayfish
Were going to carry a heavy cart,
And harnessed all the three together;
To go out of their skins they tried,
But moving of the cart had failed!
Though the weight was rather light for them:
But the Swan pulled it right to heaven,
The Crayfish all the time moved back,
The Pike was carrying it to water.

Who was responsible at last for this mischap?
The cart is staying still without motion...

In russian and bulgarian translation
by Krasimir Georgiev:

Предыдущий: Так легко - перевод Легенды Снов
Следующий: Эхо - перевод Анны Ахматовой