Apollo Caelestis

Heavenly Apollo,
Orpheus of immortal stars.
Breath after storms,
holy consolation...
Your royal crown -
floating city in skies...
Light of diadem - flowering of myrtle,
honey crowd of flowering lime trees...
Oaks of silver-clothed dews -
garments of my God...
My dream...
he became embody…
But is it flesh?
Cast firmament of sapphire water
of another awakening...
O, the ascension of words in common love -
a breath of Word
after the storms...
Holy consolation -
Your gaze in beams
of flowering by the eternity in the temple
of sacred limes...

Предыдущий: Генрих Гейне. Конь и Осёл
Следующий: Нищая любовь