I go away into the city night

I go away into the city night
And leave to sleep the drowsy house behind.
And all are thinking – mother, daughter – right.
But I am keeping only night – in mind.

The summer wind is sweeping on my way.
I hear the song – so quiet anyway…
Wind will be blowing strongly – till the day –
Into my chest, through skinny walls – and stay.

There is the poplar – black, and window – light.
And on the tower – ring, and scent – flight.
This step – not forward, and no one behind.
This is the shadow… Please, hide me, hide…

And like a golden beads – the light beam…
The night leaf taste – in mouth – like cream.
Oh, make me – from the day ties – free!
You know, my friend, I’m mirage, just – dream.

*на стихи М.Цветаевой

Предыдущий: 0347
Следующий: Funeral Blues. W. H. Auden