Перевод То, что я должен сказать А. Вертинского

I do not know what for and who really needs this,
Who had sent them to death with their not shaking hands,
But that merciless way, that unkind and that needless,
They were left there forever to thus rest in peace.

The wary bystanders were wrapping up in their fur coats,
And a one single woman with distortion over her face,
Kept her kissing the dead man in his lips turning pale blue,
And had tossed the wedding ring straight at the priest.

And noone guessed to simply stand on his knees though,
And to tell them, those boys, that in a talentless land,
Even good acts of bravery are only the stairs
Towards countless abysses, towards spring we can't reach.

(Оригинальный текст А. Вертинский, перевод Никулиной С.Г., сохранен оригинальный ритм в 1 строфе)

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